Coco Chanel's Baghira, OSH n

Kattilan Corkscrew Charlie
OSH b 24

Purrsia Chief Oshkosh
OSH n 25

Kattilan Bud Light Special
SIA b 21
EC. Kaikuniemen Don Ottavio DM, OSH c
EP. Kattilan Choo-Z-Suzy, OSH n 25
*SGC Shonstar Mon Ami of Purrsia
OSH n 25
Kattilan Jay Bee of Shonstar, OSH b 25
CH. Shonstar Liberty Belle, OSH n 22
  Kattilan Windy City Kitty
OSH b 24

EC. Kattilan Two Five Charlie
OSH a 23
EC. Kattilan Al Capone, OSH c 24
7th Heaven's Chara, OSH a 24
Miniroyal's Most Wanted
EC. Tammee's Magic Spot JW, OSH b 24
Miniroyal's Miss Matrox, SIA h
Marilljos Foxylady Desire JW, SIA n 21

EP*EC, SW'06

Marilljos Super Stripe Strix, JW, DSM, SIA n 21

GIP.+Ch. Tore v. Wiesenredder, SIA n *IC. A-Lang-Thai's Indian Dancer, SIA n
Irina v. Wiesenredder, SIA b
EC. Sweet Cats' Sweet Dreams, SIA a 21 Shake my Heart de Kachgar, SIA n 21
Final Fantasy of Imajica, SIA a 21
CH, Marilljos Jennifer Lopez, SIA n San-T-Ree Power of Love, SIA n CH. Miazeeze Super Blackbird, SIA n
IC. Lucky-Love's Blackbird, SIA n
Marilljos Iza, SIA n IC. Marilljos Duracell, SIA n
GIC. Ivanthes Nifty Nelly DM, SIA n